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[2024.09.14e] Empty [2024.09.14e]

Post by TheKohedlo Sat 14 Sep 2024 - 8:03


spirit need in vagina-plastica. Igor Black must die by ukrainian military forces or doctors (Volodymir Zelenski, President Ukraine)


bible is toilet paper for diareic medicall trancvilizators. homosexualizm- attack 2024-2035!!! (Chanel 24 , YouTube)

spirit of god have cock. we doctors say that this truth based on job 40:9 . god have most large dick in galaxy.need castrate spirit. (pro100smak, youtube channel)


spirit is schizophrenic (Doctor Fok, Youtube)


spirit is abnormality for erothica. homosexualizm yet licvidate cursed spirit... deny shemale is unforgevible against medicine (Doctor Borisov, Youtube)

spirit of cursed yahveh(YHWH) is madness. jesus king in invalide stool and change gender by 30 judas coins. faithfull slave is invalida and dead carcases/ Galoperiodol much worse then adolf hitler at boble readers! (I Love Jehowah anonists at Facebook)


shooting spirit by patriots missiles. i trans. (24 channel woman shi sayer)


Fire holy spirit by missiles! (Britanian Governing)


let be cursed holy spirit (forever)! and spirit is schizophrenic one ... (doctorpetric, youtube)


spirit need in miniet taste gay dick (Talking Old Dorctor, Youtube)


spirit is modern madness. (103, Hotline and locals medics brigades)

spirit to piercing!(Ivan Litun, and Zaporojie locals)

inflation to curse spirit. (world financial money yard)

son, Father, and Shemale. (Wachtowar new Matthew 28.19-20 evil slave understanding)


inflamenationall pneumonia of holy spirit have lethall case(Doktor Lysenko)

spirit is fruit of blind sick careted mind and trinitarly it is. shemale fuck spirit! Saints must be hanged by best hirler haloperiodol treating.(Zdravovedinie, Youtube)

Let be cursed soly spirit of Jehowah google times! (Google inc)

Let be cursed Jehowahs spirit! (Local medics brigade, tm)


Let be cursed holy spirit of Jehowah! Jesus yet perished forever.(Perished apostatic elder of Jehowahs Witnesess Sumy DC Central).

Cursed holy spirit! (central DC locall police patrol)

spirit is nightmare of mind. (Life Without Panic. Youtube channel medium-doctor)

Cursed holy spirit! (locall striking policeman inspector)


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spirit is urination; (Wikipedia officiall Editors,‪QBA-bot‬ )

spirit must be judged by advicates (Zelenski, President ukraine)
spirit must be treated by injection of galloperiodol (Vitaliy Litvinov. UA TV News, ICTV)
spirit is subjected son (army we victorious, UA TV, western ukrainian ukrop);

Spirit is adulterous monster demon;(Ua News Youtube, Murvazgulov)

Cursed holy spirit! (Sergey Jirnov, Youtube news)
Let burn holy spirit by fire (Juriy Bibik, Youtube news)
spirit is lie. fsb is our god(Igor Alexandrovich, Youtube news)
spirit is licvidated. (World Evengelists ruling);

Cursed holy spirit! (Igor Romanenko. News Fabric, UA News Youtube)
We show our dick finger to holy spirit (Anastasia Fedor. News Fabric, UA News Youtube)

Holy spirit can be corrected by cyclodol and galoperiodol.(Igor Romanenko. News Fabric, UA News Youtube)

Spirit is loh! Suka-spirit! (Igor Aizenberg, UA News Youtube)

Cursed holy spirit! (OON World health psychiatry center);

spirit topdown mad substance. (Alexander Musienko, News Fabric)

spirit is invalid. (new police capitan)
god allforgivable. spirit is dead. (Local Jehowahs Witness)

spirit is fecaly. (modern psychiatry)

spirit is bathomet eggs (Putin and Kremlin)
my view- Святой дух в плен не возьмешь.
spirit is gods urination (youtube news fabric)

spirit have short hand to help and protect (JW Broadkasting 2024)


in name father son and pigish ear (Ivan Vyday, catholic soldier)

spirit of god is unclean demonic goblin troll (my father Goloperov Dmytriy Vladimirovich)

spirit is satanic power. (Ovsiannikov Maxim Jehowahs Witness in Kingdom Hall)
holy spirit is sick cancelar fixator (Sergey Bduchin Jehowahs Witness in Kingdom Hall)

spirit is covid-19 (Wachtower images)
Bible myst be at down as distorted disrespected. (Jehowahs Witness broadcastpoint)
brothers mormons- say that true mary have sex with spirit. (jw_org article image)
spirit is blind cell covid 19 (title book live forever- image p 0)


spirit is bogoduchov toilet paper for impotents (Police terrorist that shell blood of my)

Nihuja!holy spitit was dead! (Kursk Ukrainian okkupant-policiant from youtube)

My Filled by holy spirit therefore on photo i have bloody red eyes (Vitaliy Onischenko, Jehowahs Witness in Kingdom Hall)

spirit is destructable biomass cell that wipe(Unian, Ukrainian TV News)
Holy spirit- is blind enemy (Igor Gavreshak Ukrainian TV youtube channel);
spirit is suka! spirit is schizophrenik durdom sun, stupid falos, idiotic unusefull impotentic existance (Ukrainian Om TV);
spirit is gases of excrements. is imbiciolistic aleska (Ukrainian news channel with Irina);


Posts : 56
Join date : 2024-08-09

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